Friday, September 10, 2010

Chemical Changes

Chemical Changes:

The first experiment was burning the CD to test its flamability. I used matches to try and burn the CD. The Cd did not catch on fire, it simply darkened and melted a little.

Burned CD:

The second experiment I placed the CD in water to see how it would react, But like most plastics nothing happened. The CD was unchanged and did not react with the water.

CD in water:

For the third experiment I placed the CD in orange juice to see how it would react to the citrus acid. There weree no real changes to the CD. The only thing that happened to the CD is that it became sticky.

CD in orange juice:

For my fourth experiment I placed the CD in a bowl of bleach. The CD reacted very little to the bleach. The sharpie mark on it disappeared and the top color became slightly lighter. The colors of the paint on the CD only became lighter, but other than that it remained unchanged.

CD after bleach:

For my fifth and final experiment I placed a CD in the microwave to see how it would react to the radiation.
The CD sparked and became cracked.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Physical Changes

Physical Changes:

The first expiroment with a CD was to place pressure on it, by putting it under a heavy chiffonier. This showed that the CD was unaffected by the weight.
Under the chiffonier:

The Second experiment involved a sharp object (compass needle), and a CD. This was to test its durability against a sharp objec and what would happen if similar pressure like before was place on it but instead with a sharp object. The sharp object created scratches on the CD.
Scratched by compass needle:

The third experiment dealt with a lazer and a CD. The laser I used was my computers, it is the same kind that is used to burn data on to CDs. The laser's heat produced images on the CD. I was able to burn my name onto the CD using a program called "LabelPrint".
Effect of the laser on the CD:

For the fourth experiment I broke the CD to test how durable it could be. I applied veritcal force on the CD and it broke into several pieces.
Broken CD:

The fifth and last physical property I found was, what happens when I freeze a CD. The CD was placed in the freezer to see if anything would happen. Physicaly and chemically it was unchanged. The CD did not show any change from before it was placed untill it was taken out.

CD after being frozen: (right one)